Service Families

As a school we understand the unique challenges that military families face. We are working hard to meet the specific needs of service children and have put the following support in place which is available to all service and ex-service children:

We run a regular club called Rainbow Club for all children with parents in the armed forces. This is a great opportunity for the children to share their stories about military life and make new friends who are in a similar situation to themselves. They play games, take part in craft sessions, talk and much more. The children voted for the club name and contribute with activity ideas. The club provides a safe space where they can benefit from peer and adult support.
Mrs Morini was a military wife of 17 years before her husband completed his full service and has personal experience of the complex needs and issues of a military lifestyle. She has come forward and offered to run this club and offer support to your child this academic year.

Rainbow Club will take place after school on the following dates throughout the Spring term: 

  • Wednesday 22nd January
  • Wednesday 26th February 
  • Wednesday 26th March

Collection will be from the front of school at 4:00 pm.

Rainbow Club Display – The children have taken ownership of their own display which celebrates their military background. If you have any military items that you wish to donate or would like to share with Rainbow Club then please let me know.

Some of the activities we have been up to include, creating poppies for our school display, making poppy crosses to be laid in the school grounds and tasting current ration packs which included cereal bars, cola bottles and apple turnovers.  



Rainbow club met for another successful session on Wednesday 26th February.

We had a catch up of our half term news and shared our favourite parts of our visits to family members across the UK. Being from military families, we all agreed there can be lots travelling at times.

We then played a fun game of Rainbow club bingo. Each of the photos showed items our mummies or daddies use or see daily in their everyday work ie Identification cards, military uniform, the different flags for army, navy or RAF as well as many other items. It was great for a talking and sharing point as well as a way of having lots of fun. We can't wait for our next get together on Wednesday 26th March. 




On Wednesday 22nd January, Rainbow club met for the first time in this new year, 2025. We began our session wishing happy new year to each other before sharing our Christmas news. Being service children and part of service families, sometimes we are in different places for special events or family members are away. Everyone said they had a fabulous time, which was great news to our little club. 

Using a beautiful parachute, previously donated by RNAS Yeovilton to Rainbow club, we played a game called Union Jack. We had previously discussed in the session how our service mummy’s or daddy’s proudly wore the union jack flag as part or their uniform. The game involved each child having a colour from the flag and when the colour was called, the children changed places under the parachute. Much fun was had when one or two colours were called but even more fun and laughter was had when we said Union Jack as everyone changed places. 

We can’t wait for our next get together on Wednesday 26th February 2025.



On Tuesday 10th December, rainbow club met for a third time this year.

Initially , We discussed how we had commemorated Remembrance. Jessie shared he had been part of a parade for the Beavers, Eddie said he had observed a 2 minutes silence at longleat whilst Holly shared she had also been silent but at a soft play area. We all remembered laying our wreaths in the lane at school.

We then stood around the Christmas tree and shared what we were looking forward to at Christmas. One of our Rainbow club said he was looking forward to his dad coming home.

We all said how lucky we were that the navy and army had helped Father Christmas visit us in their helicopter.

As our main activity, we decorated a Christmas bauble to hang on our own trees with primrose lane primary school 2024 written on the back to remind us of our time at this school. Lots of thought and care went into these decorations.

At the end of our session, we all went away with a gold coin as a Christmas present.

 Well done Rainbow club for another lovely session. Dates for the spring term will soon be shared.



Rainbow club met on the 5th November for our second session. We watched a short clip about poppies growing in the fields following the destruction of war on our lands and our people. Ollie shared his enamel poppy to the group and we discussed how we wear poppies with pride.

In small groups we then created poppy wreaths to be laid for each of the armed forces on Remembrance day in school.

Some of our amazing rainbow troopers went on to create 3D poppies at home and then brought them in for our display. Look at all  of our amazing efforts





On Tuesday 1st October, the Rainbow Club met for the first time this academic year.

First, we had a fun time playing a circle game called sticky feet sharing how we are related to people in the military services. It was lovely seeing the beautiful smiles as the children shared how proud they were of their mums or dads.

We then went on to sharing information about ourselves – our places to be and favourite friends.

We discovered we have many similarities as well as differences.

This beautiful work has now been created into a display where all of the school can see who the Rainbow club is.

We’re all eager to meet up again so our next get together is the 5th November.  


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