Welcome to Red Class September 2024 - July 2025
February 2025
Today we talked about the stories of St. Valentine. We talked about people who mean a lot to us. We made a special heart for someone we care about. |
Today we played a game using a tens frame. We had to throw counters into a circle and work out how many we got in without counting the amounts. The tens frame helped us to see the amounts. |
12.02.25 PE this week |
11.02.25 We enjoyed playing the musical instruments during music this week. We explored a range of instruments to create loud and soft sounds. |
10.02.25 Today we made our own snap cards. We took it in turns to turn a card over and got ready to say ‘SNAP’ if the numbers matched! |
07.02.25 Today we played a maths game where we had to roll a dice and add counters to our tens frames. The person who fills up their tens frame first is the winner! |
06.02.25 Here are some of the activities we completed for Mental Health Week |
January 2025
We were so intrigued by the weather yesterday. |
Although we had our coats on and it was a dull day we still had lots of fun enjoying the ice lollies we had made. |
Here are some of the table top activities we have been doing this week. |
23.01.25 Today we talked about the double ‘ll’ sound in words. Although it wasn’t really the weather we decided it would be fun to make a lolly each. We talked about what happens to liquid when it is put in the freezer. |
Today we used our new drawing boards. We worked on writing sight words as well as having fun exploring the marks that we made. |
This week we had an assembly about road safety. |
15.01.25 This week we have learnt the letter sounds ‘v’ and ‘j’. We made vultures and jellyfish to help us remember the sounds. |
December 2024
Today we used the toaster. We made toast and ate it together. |
Here are some activities we have been doing. |
Elf antics! |
03.12.24 Today we had a very exciting visit. We had a visit from Father Christmas at school and he arrived in a helicopter. This linked with our phonics as we were learning ‘h’. Father Christmas also came to see us in the classroom! |
November 2024
We have been talking about colour. Here are some of our colour wheels. |
27.11.24 Today we learnt the ‘r’ sound and here are some of the table top activities linked to our phonics. |
26.11.24 In Art we have been talking about colours. We looked at some colour wheels and them painted our own colour wheel. |
We had fun in the snow. We enjoyed throwing snow at Mrs Nathan – she enjoyed throwing it at us! |
Table top activities this week! |
Pudsey day! |
12.11.24 Here are some table top jobs that we have been doing this week.
11.11.24 We gathered together as a school and had 2 minutes silence to remember the soldiers who have lost their lives. |
11.11.24 Today we read ‘Little Glow’. Our work today was based around using light for celebrations. We all made a lantern to take home. |
11.11.24 Today in maths we have been counting out amounts. Mrs Nathan showed us a numeral and we had to count out the correct amounts. |
08.11.24 One of our table top choices was puzzles! We really enjoyed this activity. |
07.11.24 This week we have been designing fireworks using matchsticks. |
06.11.24 These are some of the table top activities linked to fireworks and Bonfire Night |
05.11.24 We had our own fireworks display in the classroom. |
05.11.24 To celebrate Nov 5th we talked about Guy Fawkes and also had a sparkler. We talked about how to handle a sparkler safely. For many of us it was our first time! |
October 2024
24.10.24 Today we played with our ‘Mini Me’s’. This activity was to help us remember each other’s names |
23.10.24 Today we logged in for the ‘Live Read’. The author Glenn Beavers read us a story about resilience called The Spider who was Afraid of Heights. |
23.10.24 We made some putty from conditioner and cornflour. We used it to work our finger muscles as well as exploring it with all our senses. |
22.10.24 We have been making face biscuits today. We talked about the feature of a face. |
22.10.24 Drawing linked to phonics - today we had a focus on ‘g’. |
22.10.24 We are all very excited about taking our pumpkin soup home to try. |
21.10.24 This week we have been carving pumpkins ready for our school disco on Friday! |
18.10.24 PE in Red Class. Moving our bodies in lots of different ways! |
16.10.24 Imaginary play at playtime. Who would like an ice cream? |
14.10.24 Using a drawing app on the iPads |
11.10.24 Letter formation in sand |
09.10.24 Here is a little look of what we have been doing this week… |
04.10.24 Today we had our first PE lesson. We all worked hard to get ourselves changed independently and then went to the hall for the lesson. The lesson focused on listening to instructions and finding a space. |
We presented a friendship bracelet to someone we thought showed the good features of a friend |
03.10.24 We have been talking about friendship and made a friendship bracelet for someone special in the class that we thought was a good friend. We talked about features of a good friend. |
This week we have been talking about friendship. The children worked together to colour a friendship poster for our classroom display. |
01.10.24 Welcome to October in Red Class |
September 2024
30.09.24 We have been doing yoga every day after lunch. |
24.09.24 We had a visit from the Life Bus and Harold the giraffe helped to teach us all about resilience. |
23.09.24 This week we have begun our formal phonics lessons and the children really enjoyed learning about the letter ‘s’ and the sounds that is makes. All children in the class now know their initial sound for their name and we are all making good progress with writing our names. We have been exploring paints and painting a portrait of ourselves. |
16.09.24 We went for a listening walk. We also explored the school and even went into the staffroom and saw Mrs Nathan’s lunch in the fridge! |
We stayed for lunch today and Mrs Nathan said we are all AMAZING eaters! |
09.09.24 This week we have been exploring the outdoor environment. |
Welcome to Red Class September 2023 - July 2024
July 2024
May 2024
Our shared time this afternoon with Yellow Class was using the outdoor classroom in the sunshine! |
Our home learning this week was to make animals as part of our ‘Animal Safari’ topic. The animals that the children have made are amazing. They were shared in assembly. |
YTFC came to visit us today with the winning cup! We enjoyed listening all about it and having a picture with the cup. |
Our ‘Animal Safari’ topic is in full swing. Here are some of the activities that we can choose during independent time. |
This afternoon we had a book share with Yellow class. |
Red Class and Yellow class have teamed up! |
April 2024 |
We have linked up with Year 2 and created a ‘buddy system’. We are going to share work with our buddy and also take part in shared activities. Keep an eye out for more pictures of the activities that we will be doing together. |
We talked about the London Marathon. The children had a go at running and then they made a medal. We watched a clip of the London Marathon from last year. |
March 2024
This has been a really busy half term! We loved spoiling our mummies with gifts and songs in our our Mother’s Day assembly. Thank you all for coming – this made the children very happy. We then took part in Science Week - loved doing a number of experiments, especially the skittles one. This half term we have been doing lots of learning based around our topic ‘Ready, Steady, Grow’. We have loved playing in our school shop and looking at photos of each other at the shops. We have also been lucky this half term because we have been having cricket coaching from Shaun. Lastly, we will be learning about Easter and completing lots of fun Easter tasks in the last week. Have a lovely break! |
We loved world book day! Everyone looked amazing in their costumes and we had a day of activities to promote this. |
February 2024
We spent some of the afternoon looking at books and counting groups of objects that we found in the books. |
We had a great time this afternoon learning all about cricket. We look forward to playing some cricket next week. |
Our new topic is ‘Ready Steady Grow’ – we have been talking about what items we buy at a shop. We made models using playdough. |
Our new topic is ‘Ready Steady Grow’. We opened this topic by talking about where we do our food shopping. We did a poll and this was the outcome. |
January 2024
As part of our ‘Long Ago’ topic we have been looking and talking about photos of ourselves from the past. |
This half term we will be promoting writing and reading into our play. Here are some pictures of children engaging in these activites. |
December 2023
This week we have been talking about ‘whole, part, part’. We have been using play dough to help us make different amounts. |
November 2023
Today we viewed the books at the book fair. We pretended that we were in a library and treated the books with care and respect. We talked about the books that we found interesting. |
Today we talked about Children in Need and we discussed being grateful for everything that we have. We talked about how donations can support children and families in many different ways. We made masks to show our support for this charity. |
Today we have been talking about marvellous machines. We talked about a toaster being a machine and we all had a go at making toast. It was yummy! |
On Friday we celebrated Remembrance Day by decorating our classroom with Poppies and gathering as a whole school in the hall for a 2 minutes silence. |
Today in phonics we learnt the sound ‘k’.
We made a kite to reinforce our learning.
This week we have been in The Lane doing lots of busy jobs
We have loved using the ipads to design our own pumpkins!
Today we talked about fire safety and all held a sparkler!
In preparation for Bonfire Night we have been learning about Guy Fawkes and the ‘gunpowder plot’. We have learnt ‘Remember, Remember the 5th of November. Gunpowder, treason and plot’. We also made a ‘rocket’ firework.
In Art we have been looking at aerial views of pumpkins. We used lines and water colours to create this effect.
October 2023
We have started the half term off with some friendly witches as well as some October 31st themed maths!
We had a visitor today!
We have been completing our ‘All About Me’ books. We have discussing our favourite colour, our family and what we would like to be when we grow up.
The children said about being teachers, doctors, writers, painters’. We had some lovely conversations!
Gross motor activities in the Outdoor Classroom
We love reading!
The Life Bus Visit – All About Me
Fine motor activites
In PE today we played some games based around our senses and body parts.
Today we went on a nature walk to collect some items for our face pictures
Today we used the ipads. We had a go at drawing faces.
September 2023
Today we started relaxation/meditation!
This week we have been painting portraits of ourselves. This will be displayed in the lane!
We all have a special carpet space - we played a game where we had to remember our space!
Today we were given a place to sit at the tables. We started our ‘All About Me’ book.
Today we stayed for lunch! Mmmmmm…… yummy pizza!
Today we played a name game in school!
Today we went on a walk to explore the school. We listened to environmental sounds.
Today we talked about being a good listener and made a hat!
Today we talked about initial sounds of our names. We decorated our letter!
We made hats to celebrate coming to school!
We have been making new relationships and working together in Red Class!
Climbing and playing with friends!
We loved having snack time in school!
We loved exploring the outdoor classroom!
Welcome to Red Class September 2022 - July 2023
June 2023
We all had a lovely football themed sports day!
We were lucky enough to enjoy the production of ‘A Square World’.
It was very clever, had engaging music and sound effects as well as delivering a very meaningful message.
March 2023
We have made some Easter nests. We talked about the concept of ‘melting’ and enjoyed mixing it with the cereal. Some children decorated a gingerbread man with a design of their choice.
Our Gore Farm Trip - Tuesday 28th March 2023
Red Nose Day - Lemonade Tasting
The children have really improved their stamina and endurance. Lewis and Harry from Year 6 have been wonderful leaders during this club. They have set up courses and given the club members encouraging words where needed. We have had some classic cross country weather to deal with and the children have shown resilience when running in all weather conditions
We sang some songs for our mummies and we also spoilt them with paintings, cards and gifts
We have been painting portraits of our mummys
We read the Gingerbread Man and then made predictions about what would happen to the biscuits when they were put in water. We talked about a prediction being a sensible guess. We explored new vocabulary like ‘float’, ‘sink’, ‘dissolve’ and the children enjoyed explaining their thinking.
January 2023
As a part of our topic, we have been reading the classic childrens book 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea'. Red Class enjoyed their very own tea party with Mrs Nathans vintage cups and saucers that she used for her wedding!
December 2022
This half term we have all really enjoyed our ‘Marvellous Machines’ topic. We have talked about toasters and popcorn makers as well as other kitchen appliances. Many children also carried on their learning and home and impressed their grown ups by making their own toast!
Red Class parents were invited in to take part in our Christmas Puppet Making Session. The children were so excited to their grown up in school and work alongside them. All the finished puppets looked amazing and we hope the children felt proud when taking them home.
October/November 2022
We have been exploring our new play equipment and talked about the rules of keeping ourselves safe. We went in the outdoor area and collected leaves for an art project and then created hedgehogs using the leaves that we collected. We also had lots of fun using ipads to draw pictures of ourselves.
Red class have also been working together to use the parachute and had to learn to work together to make it work properly.
Red class along with the rest of the school were lucky to watch a member of staff and her dance partner dance various dances. Everyone clapped along to the music and all loved watching them.
September/October 2022
This half term we have been enjoying out Let’s Explore topic. The children have been exploring their class environment and school grounds so that they feel settled and happy in their new surroundings.
They have been learning about the local environment and have had opportunities to share experiences that they have out of school. This topic has ensured that the children feel like a valued member of Primrose Lane Primary School. The children enjoy finding out who is Star of the Day and who is going to be the Special Helper. We have started our formal learning of Letters and Sounds, Literacy and Maths as well as continued opportunities for the children to choose their own learning through Independent Time. We have all had a wonderful half term!
Welcome to Red Class September 2021 - July 2022
This week we've been up to lots of Christmassy fun. We have been making reindeers and mince pies, we had a fantastic time sitting in the sleigh with Rudolf and all had a photo taken by the Christmas tree so that we can remember our first Christmas at school. We loved having our parents into school and singing Christmas songs to them and LOVED our Christmas lunch too!
Welcome to Red Class September 2019 - July 2020
Welcome to Red Class News page. Here you can see what exciting things we've been learning throughout the school year.
Home Learning in April
This week we have been learning about the story of the Three Little Pigs. Mrs Nathan read us a story. We have been ordering the story and making houses for the pigs.
We have been learning about patterns and using garden toys, natural resources and household items to make patterns.
Our letters and sounds have been going ahead and Mrs Nathan sent a video showing us formation.
Home Learning in March
Fantastic work Red Class, looks like you’ve all been very busy in the first week of home schooling. There has been some great work being sent through to Mrs Nathan and amazing photographs that you can see below.
It’s great to know that they are all still practicing their letters, sounds and numbers.
Red Class have been doing various work sheets set by Mrs Nathan each day along with some of their own fun activities. These include helping mum and dad at home by cooking, baking, making own packed lunches, having fun doing science experiments, painting, reading and PE with Joe Wicks. Keep up the good work.
March 2020
This month we have been making patterns. In computing we have been learning about programming and in PE we have been using the apparatus. We can climb and jump confidently.
Yeovil Town Football Club came to visit us at school as part of their Adopt a school programme and we had a visit from Rocktopus where we learnt some new songs and wrote a song for our school.
Living Eggs came in on the 2nd March and left us with 10 eggs in an incubator. We were pleased to see that 8 out of the 10 eggs hatched and after a few days we were all able to hold the little chicks.
February 2020
This month we have been using tens frames to talk about addition number sentences in mathematics. We have had lots of fun using shaving foam to do our writing and water colours to paint pictures.
We have been making animals out of shapes and dressing up in the outdoor classroom and learning how to take photos using the iPads which was great fun. In music we have been using the xylophones making lots of tunes.
For Internet Safety Day, we now all know what to do when using the internet.
“Before you click, click, click...
You need to think, think, think and tell/ask someone”
January 2020
In mathematics we have been exploring numbers using tens frames and counters. We have been saying “I can see...”
November 2019
This month we have been working practically to see how we can make different numbers. We have been doing colouring and using the i-pads for Children in Need and have been making poppies in computing for Remembrance Day.
October 2019
This month we had our school trip to Gore Farm/Trent Woodlands. We had a great morning and made woodland crowns. In PE we have been jumping off a box and in class we have been painting Autumn trees and drawing Numicon using the i-Pads.
We have been making animals using our feet and learning about length. We all got to have a go on the Active wall, which was a lot of fun.
September 2019
In our first week of school we all made new friends and painted life size portraits of ourselves. These are now on display in the Learning street outside our classroom.
We have been learning how to express ourselves and how to play alongside our peers along with exploring the outside area. We have been on listening walks and was read a story by Mrs Nathan in our outside classroom.
In class we have been taught how to hold a pencil and have started playing football on Friday's with Steve from Nipper Kicks. We also had a visit from a very interesting car.
We've had a lovely last week at school before the summer holidays. We started off the week with Sports Day where we took part in running, cricket, football. We had a visit from the children of Bucklers Mead music department who performed for us and made cars as part of our D&T project. We finished off the week by having a picnic with our parents in the school hall as the weather was against us.
This week we have been doing some creative writing from when Pete the poet visited us. We have also been talking about measurement. We measured the playground in steps and then we used a slingshot to fire a teddy and measure the distance.
This week we have been talking about bees. We talked about the importance of bees and even tried some honey. We also had a visit from Pete the Poet who came and spent the day with us and inspired us to be creative writers.
We welcomed dads and granddad's into school for an assembly and a breakfast.
This term we are learning about mini beasts and we have shown that we are designers by using our classroom resources to create mini beasts of our choice. We have also been learning about and making patterns.
Mrs Nathan read us a bedtime story for pyjamrama day. We all snuggled down to listen to the story.
We’ve had a fantastic first day back after the holiday. We’ve had an Easter egg hunt and an Easter bonnet parade.
We have had lots of fun this week making the most of the glorious sunshine and using the outdoor classroom. We have also been working very hard preparing for our Mothers Day Assembly. We invited all our mummys into school on Friday afternoon, performed songs and showed them a pre-recorded video of why we each love our mummy. Each mummy left with a painted portrait and a special gift.
We have been making people patterns and noise patterns in mathematics this week. On Friday we welcomed a company called Organic Rhythm who came in and provided an African drumming session with us. We all had really good fun.
This week we had a visit from The Dogs Trust and spoke about dog safety. We made shapes with our bodies and finished off the week with some yoga.
We have had a very eventful week this week. We welcomed Pete the Poet who came to work with us, and then made pancakes on Pancake Day, we were able to choose different toppings and then got to eat them. Yummy!
World book day came a day early for us this week, we were able to come dressed up by following the theme of Rhyme that we have been working on all week. We had an assembly and were able to see all the other childrens outfits.
We’ve also been talking about estimation in mathematics and have been doing lots of sensible guessing.
This week we enjoyed the sunshine and had lots of learning in our outdoor classroom. We also got to hold the chicks and then used purple mash to draw them.
This week we have been working with Orange class to make our Valentines cakes.